All Donors

Motti And Judy Kern $1,000.00
Yaakov Winograd $360.00
Goldie Zwick $360.00
Anonymous Sponsor $257.50
Rachelle Rubin $206.00
Chanale And Chanoch Lampert $202.00
Marc Gross $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $103.00
Yosef Jozefovic $100.00
Stephen Apfel $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Yehuda Zwick $72.00
Issac Wieder $50.00
Meyer Rand $50.00
Binyomin Gellis $37.08
In honor of Moishe making it super easy to be the best son in law